
Reading Hall
Ideal for Cognitive Studying, Reading Hall provides you with spacious indivisual seats. Each Individual Seat has profile lighting that's soothing to eyes and each Seat has a Seperate Socket. Chairs in the Reading Hall are ergonomic keeping in mind the long duration of studies and back issues Seperate Locker facility at Indivisual seat is provided

Cafeteria Space
Cafeteria space provides the Ideal space for Having a break and doing your lunch or breakfast. An ideal space for discussion and Relaxing. Cafeteria space has coffee machine and water cooler installed.

Digital Section
A seperate digital section that helps you access e-material, attend lectures and give online tests. An step to cope up with the online education in the post covid era.

Resourse Room
A Separate Resource Room for having diverse range of books for both generic and specific reading.... From some of the Best Selling Self Help books to Exam oriented books, the resource room give you access to a diversified range of books classified under different tastes